Ready, Set, Translate – The ALIVE Mental Health Research Translation Virtual Café Series

Ready, Set, Translate – The ALIVE Mental Health Research Translation Virtual Café Series is a monthly event focused on bringing together researchers, practitioners, and members of the public to discuss and translate the latest findings in mental health research. The series aims to provide a space for open dialogue and collaboration, with the ultimate goal of bridging the gap between research and practice.

Each monthly presentation will feature a different speaker or panel, who will present on a relevant topic in mental health research and facilitate discussions on the impact and implementation of these findings. The virtual café format allows for a relaxed and inclusive atmosphere, fostering a sense of community and encouraging engagement and learning. The series is designed to be accessible and informative for a wide range of attendees, from mental health professionals to those with a personal interest in the topic. Overall, the Ready, Set, Translate series aims to promote the dissemination and application of cutting-edge research in mental health, improving outcomes for individuals and communities.

If you missed the previous series, recording is available now on our Youtube channel below:

— ALIVE Forum

The forum offers a place for dialogue and exchange for lived-experience researchers engaged in mental health research.

Membership includes lived-experience researchers in community organisations or governments working on mental health research projects and people with lived-experience who may partner with researchers for co-design or co-production research so that they connect with others.

It’s a supportive forum to share experiences, grow networks, and to talk about skills and training needs that people might benefit from, including building lived-expertise as an evidence base.

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The ALIVE Lived-Experience Research Collective Forum is a supportive, safe and anonymous space.

We ask you to read the following before posting to the forum:

Getting started

Share ideas, talk about skills that work for lived-experience researchers and participate in research focused conversations within posts and threads.

Our principles for participation

Here are our principles for participation for the ALIVE Lived-Experience Research Collective Forum. This space is created for everyone to feel welcome and safe in their interactions. If you notice that the principles of participation are not being put into practice, please get in touch with us.

Forum FAQs

Here are the principles of participation for the ALIVE Lived-Experience Research Collective – these have been co-created by and for mental health researchers with lived-experience to support safety in online dialogue, cooperative practices and shared agreements. Please get in touch with us at for more information or if see any concerning language or practices you need to discuss.

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