FREE EVENT - Mad Poetry Rooms at ALIVE
Mad Poetry Rooms @ ALIVE
For World Mental Health Day in collaboration with the Big Anxiety festival, the ALIVE National Centre for Mental Health Research Translation and the Lived-Experience Research Collective will host Mad Poetry creative workshops during the day, and live readings from 4:30pm. A special Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander poetry workshop will also be held on the day.
Inspired by the work and life of visionary poet Ben Frater, the workshop facilitators Alise Blayney and Tim Heffernan will guide you through a series of surreal writing exercises that will ensure that the fragments of your imagination take shape and emerge as a fully a developed poem or poems that can be performed at our open mic on Monday afternoon.
Alise and Tim would like to acknowledge that the Mad Poetry workshops owe their existence to the visionary surrealist poet Ben Frater who planned to run poetry workshops while people were receiving treatment with the antipsychotic Clozapine. Only a decade ago people had to wait for hours in the clinic for their blood test results so they could receive their appropriate dose of Clozapine.
Ben was dedicated to exploring the relationship between automatic writing and the schizophrenic vernacular, within which he saw the subconscious mind merging into consciousness. He lived between worlds and wrote in his notebook how he considered the ‘Poet is Priest; Poetry as confession; Performance of Poetry is exorcism’.
ALIVE NATIONAL CENTRE – 153 Barry Street, Carlton
Creative workshops
from 11-1pm | 2-4pm
Live Poetry Readings
4:30pm – 6:30pm (in the park outside weather permitting)
Alise Blayney, Poet and Peer Educator and Tim Heffernan, Poet, Peer Support Worker and Deputy Commissioner, New South Wales Mental Health Commission. Tim and Alise are co-editors of Verity La’s, ‘Clozapine Clinic – The Frater Project.’ They also established Mad Poetry as part of the 2016 Wollongong Writers Festival.
To join the Lived-Experience Research Collective please see here.
Key Dates
Mad Poetry Rooms at ALIVE
10 October 2022
Creative workshops
from 11-1pm | 2-4pm
Live Poetry Readings
4:30pm – 6:30pm (in the park outside weather permitting)
FREE EVENT – Mad Poetry Rooms at ALIVE
— ALIVE Forum
The forum offers a place for dialogue and exchange for lived-experience researchers engaged in mental health research.
Membership includes lived-experience researchers in community organisations or governments working on mental health research projects and people with lived-experience who may partner with researchers for co-design or co-production research so that they connect with others.
It’s a supportive forum to share experiences, grow networks, and to talk about skills and training needs that people might benefit from, including building lived-expertise as an evidence base.
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Our principles for participation
Here are our principles for participation for the ALIVE Lived-Experience Research Collective Forum. This space is created for everyone to feel welcome and safe in their interactions. If you notice that the principles of participation are not being put into practice, please get in touch with us.
Forum FAQs
Here are the principles of participation for the ALIVE Lived-Experience Research Collective – these have been co-created by and for mental health researchers with lived-experience to support safety in online dialogue, cooperative practices and shared agreements. Please get in touch with us at info@alivenetwork.com.au for more information or if see any concerning language or practices you need to discuss.